this is what creativity will do to you

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Homeland: Short Stories Barbra Kingsolver- Covered Bridges

This was by far the biggest roller coaster of emotions that could ever be filled in just 21 pages. I swear I never thought that a short story, or any written story for that matter could give a person whip lash but good god this story did just that. Granted the story was very relatable and also bringing to light a social issue that many couples go through all the time, however I don’t like how the author made the wife Lena look like a total flake, an emotional time bomb ready to explode, as well as a stereo-typical middle aged broad that couldn’t make up her damn mind. The story deals with people, their peers, divorcing and having babies- often in this story referred to as the only two options available it seems like to the normal world. Then after a near death experience the air is cleared and the couple reaches a decision. To me that is very clique: to have a near death experience and suddenly all the world is right again and you realize what you have blah blah blah. That was the message behind the story I thought; don’t take the good in your life for granted. I’m sorry Barbra Kingsolver you would have gotten the same message across in a less dramatic way. Something that I was impressed with was that this story was written from the husband’s perspective. Hardly ever do people hear about the man’s perspective...partially because most men will give into their women’s taste and presumptions; well that is if we as females are even willing to give the chance, and also because men don’t speak openly about certain issues because they know that they are either going to loose the argument or they are just trying to avoid the argument all together. pussies. Anyway that how the husband in this story sounded- completely infatuated with his wife, she literally was his world. It was insane to me to read about a man’s reaction to such touchy subjects and to allow the reader to feel his vulnerability. 

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