this is what creativity will do to you

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Poetry Handbook By: Mary Oliver

When I think of poetry I think of Robert Frost’s “Swinger of Birches”. I think of how certain lines seem as if they have a rhythm much like Stevie Ray Vaughn’s epic guitar rips. I think of how some poems are meant to speak to people’s souls. I think of how it’s one of the most timeless art forms that serves as a time capsule for past civilizations that we as a society can treasure. 
This article annoyed me because it states that nothing you do is original. “It is created in imitation of what already exists and is already admired. There is, in others words, nothing new about it. To be contemporary is to rise through the stack of the past, like the fire through the mountain. Only a heat so deeply and intelligently born can carry a new idea into the air.” Excuse me but isn’t poetry about personal emotional freedom? This article also suggests that in order to learn one must imitate those before them. I feel like almost every aspect of life is imitation: brands. People buying into a culture that is not their own. So I wonder why one would pressure young people to conform to socialism rather than breaking free. Granted that is hard to do because lets face it people have done amazing things that break the mold so it’s hard to find something original in a  world that has been around for millions of years. Is it good to learn from the past? Have times changed so dramatically that the relation between language and time intervals and poetry itself no longer comparable? 

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